The Human Energy Exchange System

The idea of not using money and moving to a completely resource based economy still seems to baffle so many people. There are papers after papers written about this but I would like to keep this as short and simple as possible. Money doesn’t build buildings, pick fruit, style your hair, drill for oil or make your clothes. Money is a worthless piece of paper. It is the human being or in many cases the devices and robotics that human beings create that does the work. Sure there are jobs that people just don’t want do. Mike Rowe has his own show about all the nasty things humans would rather not do. I will bet you that the people that do those jobs don’t make anywhere near the paycheck that a CEO makes just sitting behind his desk. But intelligent humans can either build robots to do the dirty jobs or think of better ways to create without such waste and nastiness. In the future I believe we will become far more compassionate, conservative and conscientious in regard to our environment and the way we treat other living beings; if not as a result of a natural spiritual evolution, for the simple reason that it is the most efficient way to live.

The main argument that people have against a resource based economy or what I like to call Human Energy Exchange System is why would someone work all day and not get paid? We have to remember that there are indigenous tribes that exist right now that do not use money. They all have jobs accept for those who are ill or too young or old to work. They eat, pray, love. And work is just as fulfilling and rewarding because it is not something they are doing for money. They work to feed and clothe themselves and to build comfortable shelters. For every hour that a person works in a given field such as Technologies, Service Industry, Education, Transportation etc. we would receive credit just as we would have received money before. We do this with our children. When they contribute to the family they are rewarded with a sense of purpose and responsibility.

The Credit Card system is a poor example of keeping track of one’s credit. Banks define credit as a loan. They give you “credit” for making purchases without actually having the money to make that purchase and then charge you interest. Would you do that to your child? The new definition of credit is acknowledgment of time spent performing a service. There would be more of an issue of exchanging time in different services than getting credit. Focus would be more on job placement and scheduling than looking for work or trying to get more credit. There would be more competition for certain jobs based on a person’s interest and skill level than their degree. Artists would create because they want to and can choose to give their creations away freely, be contracted for public spaces or exchange their art for other things. Otherwise corporations will be run by the people for the people providing the basic needs for the masses like transportation, robotics, foods and construction. So there will be those who work at a public job and those who work privately on more unique items or to perform individual services. People can work as much or as little as they choose but the consequence is the same. If you cannot be depended upon you will be replaced. If no one is willing to work a certain position, robots can do the work or it just won’t get done. Only those projects will manifest that are the result of individuals with passion to see it come to fruition. When that is the motivation behind creation rather than money the result is a work of art from the heart. What if there is no work? There is always something to do. In any given community there will always be someone that needs help doing something. The problem now is that people don’t have the money to pay someone to do the work! That is why unemployment is so high. It isn’t because there is nothing to do.

The way to keep track of the credit for an individual’s service is with passive technologies but not by micro chipping. There are ways to protect one’s identity without being micro chipped. It is unlikely that there would be an issue with identity theft if everything was free and life was comfortable and fun. We should all contribute to the world we are living in. But what about those who choose not to contribute? In a world where everything is abundant and we have endless creative freedom why would anyone not want to share their talents and interests with the rest of the world? But if there are those that do not wish to contribute and wish to live outside of cities and social structures they will only have access to the basic resources like water and native plants that are freely available to all, compliments of Mother Earth. There will be wide open spaces for people who want to be away from society just as there are now. Societies can share technologies as freely as they wish with those on the outside. On a balanced healthy Earth, edible plants, water, knowledge are freely available to all beings. But technologies will make our lives much easier and the luxuries we be able to indulge in like specialty foods, entertainment and transportation are all a lifestyle choice that requires less energy to maintain than it does to live in nature. It would require no more energy to provide free global transportation for everyone.

Mutual respect for others privacy and their personal dwellings would be the norm. If not I am sure we will think of a way to deal with those who ignore those standards that doesn’t involve violence or locking them away. When the consciousness levels have reached a certain point anyone that goes against the natural flow will feel the uncomfortable affects. Conformity is not a bad thing if the thing one is conforming to is mutual respect and appreciation for all life.

There will come a time in the very near future when we will no longer need or even want material things due to replication technologies and holograms. Though it may come as a shock to many people the natural course of evolution is to return to spirit. The earth is evolving spiritually (energetically) and physically (PHI cyclicly)or ascending and so are we. But until that time one of the lessons we will have to learn along the way is the impermanence all things, release attachment to material things and people, to overcome greed and jealousy and all of those other deadly “sins” that made life hell on earth.

The global financial situation is dire at this time and many believe (and according to Web Bot) that by the middle of this month, November, 2010 we will see a total global financial collapse. Many people will panic but I believe that most understand that collapse of the old system is necessary in order to create a new system of exchange. Even those of us who do not have a very good grasp on economics understand that our current system was built to fail because it is based on a closed energy system that is easily corrupted. The golden ratio is present in every aspect of nature. It is an open energy system of balance and flow as a result of self similarity and compassion, an eternal spiral. A Golden Mean system of exchange is powered by human compassion and the desire to create with the understanding that we each are a part of the whole. Our reality is not shaped by any amount of money. “Reality is potential shaped by intent” (Daniel Srsa).


  1. An interesting dialogue is price comment. I feel that it is best to write more on this matter, it may not be a taboo topic however usually individuals are not enough to talk on such topics. To the next. Cheers.


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