For Our Next Trick/ An Orangutan and a Woman

YOU MUST UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA NOW. This is not about who the people vote for. THE ELITE RULERS do not care about your vote. Votes are easily manipulated as we have seen. I feel that I am correct in my belief that most of the country is wise enough to know Bernie Sanders is the most competent of the choices for presidency. But also we know that the game is rigged and it always has been. I mean come on this is so far beyond a conspiracy theory at this point. We just have the eyes to see what is going on finally.

The elite rulers created the Federal Reserve which morphed into NATO and the American military is owned by them. Don't believe me. Just do the research yourself. Put the pieces together. There is a concerted effort to use average people to make tons of money and hoard resources. They control every aspect of America the Corporation. These are facts. But people will sit there and still actually play into this illusion that we have CHOSEN these two current candidates for president, an orangutan or a woman, yeah just "a woman" because that is really all she has going for her if you know her history. Their candidacy was paid for by corporations. She is an elitist pretending to be a Democrat because the Democratic Party was moved so far over to the right that her Republican views appear left up against far right Republicans. And a true Socialist Democrat like Sanders is actually where Democrats were years ago. Even Trump's campaign was paid for by his own corporation. But he claims he is paying for it himself. He didn't pay for it his corporations did and then he will pay himself back.

If you want to be part of the creation of a new paradigm where we do not rush off to bomb terrorists out of fear and say oh well so what if we kill millions of innocent people, or part of a world that likes to build walls to keep out the undesirables then it is time to revolt and say no more to this absurd display they are pretending is a real political "election". It is not. We are being played.  The question is who is going to allow it and who is not? I predict and even hope we will not see another president in America but a new kind of government based upon compassion and not fear. Something is going down in a big way and for better or worse nothing will be the same. 


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