Cleanliness is Next to Godliness For a Reason

Cleanliness is next to "godliness" for a reason.
Disease, dissonance, decay are all unholy in that they are unWHOLE.

There is a LIFE path and a DEATH path. We exist within a paradigm of death because the rate of decay is faster than the rate of regeneration. The frequency of vibration is below that of what is considered holy or heavenly. That is why we are experiencing hell on earth. In order to reach heavenly vibrations we must practice hygiene of holiness. This means sustaining pristine environments on the earth, the sky and our body and mind.

Polluting our bodies with toxic foods, living in filth, allowing toxic emotions to rule us and building structures that do not allow energy to flow are all part of the death path that keep humans living in a hellish existence.  There is a reason why people are afflicted with disease, demonic possession, hauntings, anger, depression and so much more in this world.  We are not mindful of maintaining a healthy environment for the body or the planet. Most people are not even aware of the fact that bad hygiene breeds decay and death.

Religions began to educate people of the physics of life and how to be a true human without "falling" into dissonance, decay and disease. We are not listening. We dismiss it as superstition. But scientists are beginning to realize the scientific reasons for those religious teachings that appeared to be compulsive behavior such as bathing in holy water, rituals to entrain the mind, eating certain foods at certain times etc.

Walking the death path leads to suffering. Walking the LIFE path does not. It is not about right and wrong it is about what works and what does not for a human being. We all have a choice. But to walk the LIFE path takes self discipline. If you cannot discipline your self enough to stop your mind from dwelling on thoughts that cause you suffering how do you expect the world to ever be heavenly? The journey to heaven begins within us and ends within us. The world is just a reflection of that journey. So if you are unhappy with the state of the world, look at yourself first. Do you have good hygiene? Are you disciplined? Do you respect all living beings? Do you live in an environment that supports nature or destroys it? Do you have the will power to only act in ways that support life? This is what prayer is really about. It is about focusing your own mind on what supports life. It is not about asking a god outside of you for shit to make you feel better about yourself. Stop looking to an external god to save you and the world and do the work yourself through disciplined thoughts and actions. God isn't going to do that for you.


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